Doctoral student exchanges at the University of Évora

   From September 17, 2019 to March 17, 2020, the student of the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing at Unicamp (FEnf-UNICAMP), PhD level, Marcela Astolphi de Souza, undertook an Institutional Exchange Abroad at the Philosophy Department of the School of Social Sciences at the University of Évora.

   Marcela chose the University of Évora - Department of Philosophy because they have a largest groups of Heideggerian studies, in Portuguese and, having a teacher who develops research that refers to Phenomenology and Existential Analysis in collaboration with Heidegger Research Groups, taking into account considering that his PhD thesis is developed with the theme “In search of the meaning of being the brother of a child with a chronic disease: an existential phenomenological study in the light of heidegger”.

   In addition to the subjects taken, Deep Problems in the History of Philosophy, Deep Problems in Contemporary Philosophy and Thematic Seminar 3, the student carried out the analysis of data on doctoral research and writing the thesis, under the supervision of Professor Profa. Dr. Irene Filomena Borges Duarte at the Portuguese University, and by professor Profa. Dra. Luciana de Lione Melo da FEnf.

   Another activity of great relevance in the period of academic mobility was the participation in the Reading Group EMOTIONS AND AFFECTIVE TONALITIES, at the Catholic University of Lisbon, also coordinated by Professor Irene. It is noteworthy that this group is one of the main activities of the Research Unit specific to the Philosophy Course, known as PRAXIS - Center for Philosophy, Politics and Culture, whose objective is to develop research in the field of philosophy related to aspects of human existence, manifested in different forms and contexts of life.

   According to the student, “experiencing an academic mobility program in the current circumstances that encourages research in Brazil, permeated by uncertainty and with little funding, is a very arduous path, but at the same time it provides an indisputable bonus when it is achieved. Living, even for a determined period of time in another culture, taking subjects totally different from those of your own training makes this whole path even more challenging. The experience of mobility makes us go back inside ourselves, seeking and rescuing mental and professional capacities within the possibilities that are in front of us. I recommend academic mobility to all students, because in addition to research it is an internal movement that transforms us and leads us to think about different forms of relationships, commitments and scientific rigor ”.

   The School of Nursing congratulates the student for her courage and determination to face something so new and challenging, where she had to deal not only with another culture, but also with another academic and scientific vision, leaving her comfort zone totally. We encourage all our students, undergraduate and graduate students, to find opportunities to carry out training programs as Marcela did.


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