Dr. Débora Santos realized a technical visit at the University of Massachusetts

From February 24 to March 2, 2020, Prof. Dr. Débora de Souza Santos participated in the PRPG notice “Academic Cooperation: Missions from work abroad”, carrying out the activity at the School of Public Health and Health Sciences and College of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), in Amherst, United States.

Among the activities carried out, the teacher held scientific meetings with the teachers of the schools visited, participated in Black History Month events, held in the United States in February on the history of the African diaspora and the fight for civil rights of African-American citizens. , and also the Undoing Racism Workshop promoted by the Undoing Racism Organizing Collective group in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA.

The purpose of the activities carried out is to establish a partnership for collaborative research with Profa. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian on anti-racist education for graduates and health professionals, in addition to appropriating US knowledge and culture related to tackling structural racism and its consequences for public health.

The School of Nursing congratulates the teacher for the initiative to participate in this notice and provide partnership between the Faculties, in addition to the experience and knowledge acquired that will be valuable in our unit and the University.


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