Researcher Programs


For more information, please contact: 


Documents for registration:

  • Application form;
  • Document certifying the title of Doctor in CAPES courses of excellence recognized by CNE/MEC;
  • Letter of interest/intention on the completion of the Post-doc;
  • Updated Lattes curriculum;
  • Research project: with introduction, justification, objective, method, references and schedule, with up to 20 (twenty) pages, on a current and innovative theme in the area of Nursing;
  • Work plan;
  • Letter of acceptance from the probable supervisor who should be accredited (permanent professor) in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing.


Selection process

The selection process will include the Curriculum Analysis, Research project and Work plan to be developed. The candidate who fulfills the necessary requirements and obtains the highest final score in the selection process will be nominated to receive the PNPD scholarship.

The selection process will consist of curriculum evaluation (Score 40), analysis of the research project and analysis of the work plan (Score 60).

The evaluation of the curriculum will be based on the assessment of publications (articles, chapters and books) from the last 5 years and will be considered research projects subsidized by national or international funding agencies. Texts published or accepted for publication will be considered, upon proof.

Publications must be documented using simple copies.

In the evaluation of the research project, the following topics will be considered: mastery of the theme/literature review; relevance; internal coherence (title, objective and methods); feasibility and quality of the writing.

The work plan will be evaluated for its feasibility and quality.

The evaluation will be carried out by a Commission specially created for this purpose, composed of three examiners and one alternate.

The candidate who obtains at least grade seven (7) will be considered approved.

In the event of a tie, the candidate with the highest score will be indicated in the following order: Research project and work plan, followed by the curriculum.